Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cycling in Italy

Sightseeing from a bike is a treat. And through Tarvisio runs an excellent bike path that connects with neighbouring Austria and Slovenia.

We first rode to Austria

The Ciclabile Alpeadria, which will soon connect Udine, was built paving early century railroads. This translates into a wonderful easy path that runs through town's centers, with climbs no steeper than what a train could ascend.

The site of Piste ciclabili in Friuli Venezia Giulia has a map of the area's cycle paths

Slugs are large in this area, very large

Then we rode to Slovenia

A picture of the river from the bridge, over which the path runs

After the cool temperatures of the Alps, we drove South to Val D'Orcia, Provincia di Siena, Tuscany.
Following my friend Walter's wise recommendation, we borrowed his mountain bikes and reserved an apartment at the Agriturismo Bonello, near Pienza.

Much to my surprise, the owner is a former cyclist who knows every corner of Val D'orcia and the surrounding area, so the suggested itineraries inlcude art & culture, wineries, historic architecture or hot springs (terme e bagni). The scenery and cycling were particularly beautiful, peaceful and enjoyable.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Val D'Orcia, Provincia di Siena

Views from Bonello (A on map)

The following Goolge map includes scenic local mt bike itineraries, each letter marking a point of interest.

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Getting up around 5:00 has many advantages. One of them is viewing how the early morning light changes the landscape.

The other is beating traffic (and just about everyone else) when running along country roads

First light, Pienza in the distance

Pienza, evening light (B on map)

Papaveri rossi...
provocano ancora l'emozione di un tempo (U on map)

Sant'Anna in Camprena (C on map) Monastery dates to 1334, restructured XVth century, paintings from XVIth century

Sant'Anna's abbey from the rd to Castelmuzio

(H on map)

From E to F on map San Giovanni D'Asso

Lucignano D'Asso (G on map)

to San Quirico D'Orcia

Road to Bagno Vignoni (M on map)

Discovering Slovenia

I recently traveled to Slovenia. Although I had been to the Alpi Giulie some time ago, while negotiating snowy roads I had missed the magical beauty that spring brings to this section of Eastern Alps

Pictured here is the race hill of Kranjska Gora, which during summer doubles up as grazing pastures. I had not seen the unusual combination of cows and snow making equipment, before.

Hiking higher into the mountains is
a truly worth while experience.

This Kranjska Gora restaurant, a favorite of Christian's due to its varied meat selection, served an excellent local version of Carpaccio.

On the South Western corner, along the tiny portion of Mediterranean coast, is Portoroz

Anka and I at the Marina


and boating.

Anchored at Marina Portoroz, our friends' boat fleet, Jonathan Yachting,
is another example of Slovenian unpretentious elegance and refined simplicity

And then, there is Piran,

... inviting, beautiful, undisturbed ...